Monday, April 6, 2009

Wig Colors!

The Locks of Love foundation welcomes all different hair colors: black, dark brown, light brown, blonde, dirty blonde, strawberry blonde, and red.

Can you solve this math problem?

100 people donated their hair to Locks of Love. 5 people had red hair, 10 had strawberry blonde hair, 15 had black hair, 20 had dirty blonde hair, and 50 had dark brown hair.

According to this math problem: is it likely that...
  • Locks of Love will make more red wigs than dirty blonde wigs?
  • Locks of Love will make more dark brown wigs than black wigs?
  • Locks of Love will make more strawberry blonde wigs than dirty blonde wigs?

NCTM Standard: Probability


  1. By the way here are some great ways to safely use your heat appliances: Before using a hot hair tool use a thermal leave-in protectant in the hair of your full lace wig Best Lace front wigs
